The air in our home is between 2 and 5 times dirtier than the outside one, global studies say!
When gases, smoke or particulate matter are released into the atmosphere, the air becomes polluted and causes harm to people, infrastructure and the environment. According to a report by the World Health Organization, this poses long-term risk to human health.
One of the main air pollutants we can find outside are fine dust particles. They can be solid or liquid. They include many substances – from sea salt and pollen to substances that can be dangerous to us, such as soot. Depending on their size, they can be fine or coarse.
Unfortunately, in many places in Europe, domestic heating is still used, which is the reason for the worsen air quality both outside and inside, especially during the winter season. In some parts of Europe, where solid fuels are still often used for domestic heating, pollutant emissions tend to increase during the colder days.
Air pollution in our homes is not only caused by the dirty air coming in through open windows and doors, but also from allergens, released by indoor plants. There are also many others dangerous indoor pollutants, such as: dust, harmful particles that are released during cleaning and cooking and many others, imperceptible at first glance.
Due to the natural ventilation, allergens and dust particles PM2.5 enter the premises. If we breathe polluted air on a long-term basis, our life will be shortened. They can penetrate the lungs, pass into the bloodstream and increase the risk of respiratory diseases.
Although, we are accustomed to believe that regular cleaning of premises, airing out and removing the dust will help us, they are only a temporary solution. No matter how regularly you clean, if the air outside is polluted because you live in a big city, on a noisy boulevard with many cars or in the area with lack of trees, there is nothing you can do to change all these causes.
The best solution for a long-term prevention of polluted air inside, is to use smart and innovative technologies for purifying the air in the home. Nowadays, the market offers a variety of cleansers, moisturizers, and combined products that will make your life easier and help you take care of your health. Because there is nothing more important than that!