There are 601 students in 28 classes in “Ivan Vazov” school. An educational institution with authority, an established name, with a developed strategy and clearly formulated goals. Attractive learning environment – modern, renovated, spacious building, “Green Classroom”. All classes have their own classrooms that are cared for and maintained by teachers and students. They are equipped with modern teaching aids – interactive displays and blackboards, multimedia, etc. electronic products. There are specialized classrooms for biology and health education, physics and astronomy, chemistry and environmental protection, history and civilization, geography and economics, music and visual arts, 1 multimedia and interactive classroom, 4 information technology rooms equipped with modern computers.
The school hosts many events with an environmental and social focus. Among them are the competition “I, nature and the world”, the Day against animal abuse, “Water – a symbol of life”.
From August 10, 2023, modern equipment for monitoring the air quality in the area of the school will be operating at “Ivan Vazov” School.
Measuring air pollution can be a valuable tool for raising awareness and understanding of the air pollution problem, helping students and the public make informed decisions about their health and the environment.
The air quality measuring station will provide real-time data on pollution levels in the school environment. This will help students and teachers to be informed about the presence of harmful substances such as dust, harmful gases or allergens. With this information, appropriate measures can be taken to improve air quality and protect the health of students.